Why We Love B Vitamins for Energy

We can always do with a little extra energy! No matter how much sleep we get or how thoroughly we stick to our fitness routine, we can all fall victim to the snooze button or a https://www.nourishedlife.com.au/article/331746/ultimate-guide-getting-more-energy.html[3pm slump] (sometimes both!).
Sep 09, 2021by Nourished Life
Fortunately, that lethargy is nothing a little bit of a natural energy booster can’t fix. Our energy lifter of choice? Our beloved B group vitamins. There are so many incredible things that B vitamins can do for our mind and our body, and a little energy boost is just one of our favourites.

Need a little pick-me-up? Read on for our top tips for an energy boost and how we’re working B vitamins into our daily routine.

What Are the 8 B Vitamins and What Do They Do?

There are eight different types of vitamin B:

" Vitamin B1 (thiamin) works to break down sugar in the body and create certain neurotransmitters, which are signals to the brain.

" Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is essential for energy production.

" Vitamin B3 (niacin) works to change the energy in carbohydrates, fats and proteins into a form that the body can use.

" Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) allows the body to create new coenzymes and proteins.

" Vitamin B6 plays a role in over 100 enzyme reactions including brain development and immune function.

" Vitamin B7 (biotin) is a vitamin you’ll often see in beauty supplements as many find it beneficial for hair, skin and nail health.

" Vitamin B9 (folate) is recommended for women wishing to conceive.

" Vitamin B12, the eighth B vitamin, is used by the body to create red blood cells, to aid brain function and for metabolism.

How Can B Vitamins Help Boost Our Energy?

We all feel our best when our body is functioning at its healthiest, so when we have the right amount of each B vitamin in our body performing its role, we really do feel our best!

The B group vitamins all work together to ensure our energy levels are high, our brain is functioning as it should and our body is turning food into energy. For this reason, we love working natural supplements into our daily routine that contain a number of complementary B group vitamins- however some of the most effective for energy and cognitive function are B2, B6 and B12.

If you aren’t getting enough B group vitamins from your diet, a supplement can be a great way to boost your energy levels.

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Our Favourite Natural Vitamin B Supplements

One of our favourite natural energy boosters are the Herbs of Gold Activated B Complex capsules. These supplements contain activated B2, B6, folate and B12 to help energy levels, aid in the production of red blood cells and maintain nervous system function.

We also love the Herbs of Gold Men’s Multi Plus tablets, which contain folate and vitamin B12 to support energy production, brain health and cognitive function, plus Vitamins C & E, Zinc and Selenium to reduce free radicals formed in the body and support immune system health.

The Bioceuticals Women’s Essential tablets are another really easy way to work B vitamins into your routine, containing activated B vitamins, vitamin K2 and vitamin D. Another vitamin B supplement we love is the Bioceuticals Ultra Muscleze Energy, which is rich in B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C and CoQ10 and comes in a powder form that can be mixed into water or juices.

If you’re in need of an energy boost before a workout, we recommend the Nutra Organics Clean Energy Juicy Peach Natural Pre Workout, which can be taken with water around 30 minutes before exercise and contains Caffeine, Magnesium, B Vitamins and Zinc to promote fat metabolism and boost muscle function, protein synthesis and energy.

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What's Next?

" Check out our full range of Vitamin B products.

" Read The Ultimate Guide to Getting More Energy and The Wonderful Benefits of Vitamin B.

Not suitable for children under two years of age without medical advice. Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional. Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet.

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