The Many Uses of Organic Coconut Oil!

How awesome is the coconut, the flesh, the milk, the oil... it is my absolute favourite superfood! Coconut oil can be used in so many ways ’ as a hair conditioner, a moisturiser, and as a delicious alternative to regular cooking oils. Read on to find out everything you need to know about this magical fruit.
Sep 13, 2021by
Pure, cold pressed, unrefined organic coconut oil and its many uses have been all over social media for the last few years. It seems that everyone is trying out coconut oil and falling in love. Coconut oil can be used in skincare, body care, hair care, dental care and even cooking! It seems like coconut oil uses are endless! What I love most about coconut oil is that there are so many varieties out there on the market. What is coconut oil good for? Just about everything.

What can Coconut Oil be used for?

Coconut oil uses for skin
Coconut oil has long been considered a skin saviour. Full of anti-ageing benefits, proteins and vitamins that are great for the skin, coconut oil also contains saturated fats and fatty acids that sink into the skin and leave it looking and feeling softer. Coconut oil can be used anywhere on the skin as an ultra hydrating skin moisturiser for the face, legs, hands and even feet. For anyone with cracked heels, I recommend massaging some coconut oil into the affected area before bed and then putting on a pair of socks. When you wake up, your feet will feel so much softer! Coconut oil can also be used on the lips when they’re feeling cracked or dry!

Another great way to use coconut oil is as a makeup remover! As this natural oil is free 100% free from synthetic chemicals, a coconut oil makeup remover won’t irritate sensitive skin or eyes. If you suffer from sensitive or dry skin, then coconut oil may be the just solution you’re looking for! According to recent studies● on people with dry skin, coconut oil showed an improvement in the moisture and lipid content of the skin.

Coconut oil for hair
Coconut oil is also a popular solution to dry or heat damaged hair. Have dry hair or serious split ends? Simply rub some organic coconut oil into the ends of your hair and leave in overnight like a hair mask. It can also be used as an occasional conditioner to deeply hydrate hair! To reap the benefits, simply massage the coconut oil through your hair from root to ends, and leave in for a few hours before showering. I recommend doing this once weekly to maintain your hair’s shine and overall health. Coconut oil is so great at moisturising hair as it contains lauric acid which easily sinks into the hair shaft to hydrate.

Coconut oil for cooking
Coconut oil has gained popularity recently in the culinary world recently as a healthier alternative to regular cooking oils. There are many benefits of cooking with coconut oil. Coconut oil is rich in saturated fats which means they go straight to the digestive tract in the liver, making them more likely to turn into a quick source of energy●. As coconut oil is so high in saturated fats, it is also ideal for high heat cooking! When oil is heated up for cooking, the high temperatures can chemically change the makeup of the oil. For example when you cook with polyunsaturated vegetable oils (such as canola and corn oils) this generates trans fats and oxidised cholesterol which can lead to heart problems. Coconut oil however is one of the few oils which can stand the high temperatures while still maintaining all its healthy benefits with none of the nasty side effects of other cooking oils!●●●

Oil Pulling
Have you read my post on oil pulling? Oil pulling is a detoxifying technique that involves swishing oil around inside your mouth each morning on an empty stomach. The oil works to draw out any bacteria and impurities, while cutting through plaque and whitening teeth.

Great tasting coconut oil can help when it comes to surviving the pulling process. As oil doesn’t tend to taste that yummy (particularly when it is swishing around your mouth for 20 minutes), I recommend the products made specifically for oil pulling which make the whole process much more enjoyable!

My coconut oil recommendations!

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Coconut Magic Organic Coconut Oil Trio Pack
This Coconut Magic little trio is perfect for the coconut oil obsessed and one of my favourite coconut oil products! I like to keep one on my desk, in my handbag and on my kitchen bench. With so many uses, you never know when you’ll need some coconut oil! This premium oil is made from certified organic farmed coconuts grown in high quality soil and their unique extraction method which uses no heat and no chemicals means all the benefits of the coconut are maintained with no exceptions! In my opinion, this is also one of the best tasting coconut oils on the market! It has as mild and delicious flavour which will add just the right about of coconut punch to any meal!

(Source & References: ●; ●●; ●●●

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