5 Tips for Maintaining Your Physical Health During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Working from home and practising social distancing requires both a mental and physical shift. Developing and, in turn, adapting to a new routine is essential while practising self isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic, however a new routine has the potential to throw our existing routine and good habits out of balance.
Apr 06, 2020by Irene Falcone
Staying fit and healthy is at the forefront of many of our minds at the moment, and with gyms closed and even outdoor exercise classes and bootcamps cancelled, sticking to your regular exercise and fitness routine can feel challenging.

Staying active and healthy while self isolating is a great way to boost your immune system, plus engaging in a few simple exercises to keep fit will also help you work from home more effectively.

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To boost your immunity, your health and your productivity, read on for our top 5 tips for keeping fit and healthy at home.

5 Ways to Stay Fit at Home while Social Distancing

1. Set an exercise schedule

Maintaining a routine while working from home is essential, and the same principles apply when you commit to staying fit and healthy. One of the best ways to stay fit from home is to stick to a routine where possible- if you usually go for a run or to spin class before work, try to fit in an hour of exercise then, or if you usually head to the gym at lunch or after work, set this time aside for movement.

Many gyms and fitness studios are now giving you access to class recordings and at-home workout routines, so now is the perfect time to try something new. Always wanted to try yoga? Jump on YouTube and find some simple exercises you can follow to stay fit at home without equipment.

Still struggling to maintain a routine? Slip into some activewear! If you’re already dressed and ready to work out, you’ll find it far easier to get motivated.

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2. Maintain a healthy diet

Staying healthy through a balanced diet is essential in boosting your immune system. Your local grocer will still be open, so support local businesses and stay healthy during these uncertain times and stock up on immune-boosting leafy greens, citrus, and mushrooms.

3. Keep it clean

It is so important to maintain good hygiene and cleaning practises, even while spending most of your time at home and in isolation. A clean and thoroughly sanitised home can help prevent the spread of infection, as can good hand washing practice. Regularly wipe down all food preparation surfaces and other high traffic areas like the bathroom and laundry, and sanitise high-touch surfaces like door handles, fence latches, and mobile phones. Wash your hands with antibacterial handwash for at least 20 seconds, and keep an antibacterial hand sanitiser in your bag if you do leave the house.

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I’ve compiled a list of basic health and hygiene tips, plus the top 10 natural cleaning products to keep in your home, which you can read here.

4. Keep moving

In addition to making time for exercise, it’s important to keep your general activity and mobility levels up. For many of us, working from home means that we’ll lose the incidental exercise we get on our daily commute or walking to get a morning coffee. Every hour or so, get up and take a few laps around your house, apartment, or garden. If you have a fitness tracking app like FitBit, setting up a fitness challenge with your friends is a great way to keep in touch while social distancing and can motivate you to keep moving.

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5. Get some sunshine

The current guidelines do restrict some movement in public outdoor spaces, but they don’t prevent you from accessing your own garden, balcony or other private outdoor spaces. Each day, allow yourself at least a few minutes outside to get your daily dose of Vitamin D (while wearing a non-toxic sunscreen, of course!), which helps your body absorb calcium and build strong bones. It’s also a proven mood booster! If you don’t have access to an outdoor space, ensure your blinds, curtains, and windows are open where possible to allow in plenty of natural light and ventilation.

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Maintaining your physical health during the COVID-19 situation isn’t just a way to fight off infection, it’s also a way to maintain a healthy routine and keep up good habits. Get more healthy living tips on our blog, or shop our natural body care products online now.

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