Health Benefits of Yoga

What if there was a magic pill that guaranteed to change your life!? Better sleep, better sex, more energy, improved digestion, circulation, leaner legs"¦ and nice smooth tummy.
Sep 13, 2021by
Want to relax, improve flexibility, have more energy, lose weight "¦ find inner peace and get a butt like Gwyneth"¦ Eat vegan food, wear harem pants and walk around in a garland of beads chanting ommmm? The word is out ’ the Yoga mat is the place to find all this and more. And yes... Yoga is far more than peace, love and mungbeans.

What is Yoga

Patanjali Sutra 1.2

YOGA is Connecting with the body to calm the fluctuations of the mind. Ashtanga, Iyengar, Bikram, Barkin, Zen, Hip Hop, Acro, SPIN? If you've heard of any of these I'm sure you're intrigued. Yoga is an ancient system of health and life practice.

A scholar named Patanjali is credited with translating the original philosophy to the text known as The Yoga Sutras. Like a Yoga bible for Life practice. But no single God and no Hell (unless you are sweating it out in a 40 degree room!)

Western Yoga is essentially a tool to balance the body and mind connection for increased wellbeing and altered physiology.

Depending on style and depth of practice Yoga can be fun, energising but also confronting.
Random tears, energy surges, memory flashes and profound moments of clarity. Your body and mind will change.

Celebrities Who Yoga

Miranda Kerr loves Kundalini, a form of yoga designed to balance and energise the body by awakening energy at the base of the spine through breathing, poses, chanting and meditation.

Madonna practices Ashtanga Yoga, this style encourages dynamic movements and transitions between postures. Ashtanga yoga can be an effective cardio workout as well as an isometric bodyweight bearing exercise

Gisele Bundchen maintains her model glow by practicing Anusara yoga for an hour in the mornings. Dynamic, aligning and deeply spiritual; "Anusara means 'flowing with Grace,' 'flowing with Nature' and 'following your heart,'"

Lady Gaga sweats in 40 degrees in a New York Bikram Studio. She once showed up in little more than lacy underwear and left her instructor a note that read, "Yoga heals me." Gaga used Bikram to help recovery on hip surgery.

Russell Brand credits yoga for helping him to overcome drug addiction and find spirituality. He is rumored to have also taken yoga teacher training courses, and has considered opening his own studio. [Source: Piper]

What are the Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is a science as well as a beautiful philosophy. And Celebrities Love it! Health professionals are increasingly turning to Yoga applications for treating both mental and physiological health issues. MRI screenings have showed that the combination of Asana and Mediation can actually alter the structure of the brain. In face, findings have included:

™ Decreasing anxiety and depression
™ Reduced pain for injuries and arthritis
™ Improved sports performance
™ Sustained weight maintenance
™ Younger DNA (slows ageing)
™ Menopause relief
™ Boosted libido

How to get started

Inspired? Grab a yoga mat and start! Like that perfect pair of shoes, try on a few and see what style suits you best. It’s a journey only you can truly navigate! Step by step you will feel your life expand.

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