Why You Need to Get Your Hands on Weleda's New Perfume Range!

Looking for a new fragrance that is natural, feminine and smells amazing? Then Weleda’s new all-natural perfume range has you covered! With three amazing scents, the only problem will be choosing your favourite!
Feb 17, 2020by
Here on the Nourished Life blog I’ve often raved about the Weleda product range (click here to read a blog post I wrote on the 20 things you didn't know about Weleda!). I’ve also written many previous posts on their amazing products and skin care philosophy, so that’s why I’m so excited to announce the release of Weleda’s latest venture ’ fragrances! Weleda’s Jardin de Vie Eaux Naturelles Parfumees] are all natural fragrances created using a gorgeous selection of natural essential oils and plants, that you can feel great about putting on your skin!

As you know, I’m so passionate about using and sharing natural beauty products with you! Natural fragrances are a topic that I often get loads of questions about, because the truth is ’ there aren’t that many available to us!

The Weleda Jardin de Vie fragrances are created using a mixture of natural plant fragrances which are then infused with plant extracts and essential oils. This produces a much more intense and appealing scent that fragrances made from artificial scents. Natural fragrances have also been found to trigger different emotional responses to artificial fragrances as they are made holistically and originate from vital nature. Plus, you don’t have to worry about spraying anything unnatural onto your body, or around your children!

Each fragrance within the range was created using a variety of leadplants chosen according to the fragrance’s target group. They are all inspired by the fresh scents of a walk in the garden and have been made to stimulate an emotional response in the person wearing the fragrance.

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In the Jardin de Vie range there are three delicious scents that are all so good, I am yet to pick my favourite!

Jardin de Vie Rose (Wild Rose)

If you love the Weleda Wild Rose Care range, then this Eau Naturelle Parfumee is the one for you! It is a floral scent with delicate hints of rose, geranium and ylang-ylang blossoms. It is a romantic and luxurious scent which also has some spicy notes that I find helps stop the fragrance from being too floral.

Jardin de Vie Grenade (Pomegranate)

If you’re more of a fruity fan and enjoy the Weleda Pomegranate Care range, then you will love this exotic scent! It has strong fruity notes of orange, davana and mango which is mixed in with vanilla. If you like fragrances that are both feminine and intense, then I suggest you try this one out!

Jardin de Vie Agrume (Sea Buckthorn)

This fragrance is the perfect combination of fresh and fruity! It encapsulates the aroma of grapefruit and mandarin mixed with rich sandalwood. If you have previously liked the Weleda Sea Buckthorn Care range, then you will find this fragrance has a very similar scent. The sweet and energising fragrance reminds me of summer, which is perfect to wear around this time of year!

What is so amazing about this new Weleda range is that they have carried over their skincare philosophy into their fragrance creations! As a company they place a large focus on aromatherapy and take into consideration the situational skin care needs of every individual wearing their perfume. This means that the Jardin de Vie range is great for people with usually sensitive skin that doesn’t always react well to strong, artificial scents!

The quality of Weleda’s materials is another point of difference that sets them apart from other skincare and fragrances on the market! They also support sustainable farming and cultivation, meaning they only source and use authentic products! Weleda is very open about where their products and ingredients have originated from, which is very refreshing for us as consumers!

The quality of Weleda products is ensured through several means of quality assurance. They have strong working relationships with their manufacturers and each product is subjected to strict sensory and analytical tests. They also work closely with the people growing the aromatic plants used in their fragrances and only select the highest quality ingredients and oils to use in their perfumes!

So if you’re looking for a new natural fragrance that you can feel confident about supporting then I highly recommend you try out the new Weleda Jardin de Vie collection!

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