The Fit Foodieâ??s Protein Ball Mixes Are Awesome

When you’re craving a snack throughout the day, you don’t need to be reaching for unhealthy treats! The Fit Foodie Protein Balls are the perfect healthy and delicious snack to keep you satisfied in between meals!
Feb 18, 2020by
When you’re craving a snack throughout the day, you don’t need to be reaching for unhealthy treats! Protein balls are the perfect healthy and delicious snack to keep you satisfied in between meals. That’s why I’m so excited that Nourished Life is now stocking Protein Ball Mixes by Sally from The Fit Foodie! Sally is an instagram star with a love for healthy, food and fitness! She has created her own line clean treats that I absolutely love, and know you will too! Available in three flavours Chocolate & Chia, Cookie Dough and Vanilla & Coconut, the hardest part will be choosing your favourite!

I am obsessed so had to ask Sally from The Fit Foodie all about her delicious, healthy snacks.

Why did you decide to formulate these products?

When I travelled to Australia from the UK my interest in healthy living sparked, so I swapped the chocolate bars for store-bought bliss balls to kick my sweet tooth. I quickly realised they were packed with dates and high in fructose, which gave me blood sugar spikes and more cravings. I thought making my own would solve that, but every recipe I found required a blender which I didn’t have access to. I had to solve my own pain point! The result was Fit Mixes - fructose free, high protein DIY mixes that are ready to make with just a bowl and spoon. Healthy snacks in under 5 minutes, for under $1 per ball. It made a lot of sense to me, and since they launched it’s been super popular with other people too!

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Just how easy are they to make!?

SUPER simple! Add the mix to a bowl, stir in 3 tablespoons each of coconut oil, rice malt syrup (or liquid sweetener of choice) and water. Roll the dough into balls then devour!! The whole process (minus the eating bit!) takes about 5 minutes. The balls are freezable too - so if you’re not great at portion control, stick half in a tupperware and pull one out as your need it.

Do these provide the RDI of certain vitamins?

All the balls have different nutritional profiles due to their different superfood inclusions, but each are a source of calcium, fibre and iron.

What are the benefits of including these in your diet?

Real ingredients such as almonds, cashews, coconut and raw cacao are the only things you'll find on the (tiny!) ingredients list. Your body deserves nothing less, ballin' babes.

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Health benefits?

Fit Mixes has them by the bucketload. Rather than writing an essay, I'll keep it short with my top picks:
- Supports lean muscle mass
- Assist in weight control
- Help to regulate blood sugar levels
- Help to increase metabolism
- Work to maintain energy levels
- Help to boost immune function

The protein also goes easy on your tummy. Our high quality pea protein is free from all egg, dairy and animal products, plus has a balanced amino acid profile, and a pH level of 7.5 - making it a great snack buddy in your healthy diet. I don't do fad diets, deprivation, guilt or calorie counting. I do nourishing your fine self with clean, body-loving snacks that give you the balls to tackle anything.

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Can these help with fatigue? or Iron?

The coconut oil gives an energy boost - great for pre or post workout, or just to kick that afternoon slump. Coconut oil contains a unique form of saturated fats known as medium-chain triglycerides. Unlike other saturated fats, MCTs provide an energy source for the body, rather than being stored.

Chocolate + Chia Fit Mixes are particularly high in Iron thanks to the Organic Raw Cacao Powder, and Cookie Dough Mix contains Raw Cacao Nibs for the same benefits. Cacao can also increase levels of certain neurotransmitters that promote a sense of well-being. The same brain chemical that is released when we experience deep feelings of love (phenylethylamine) is found in chocolate. It is rich in magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, zinc, copper and manganese.

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