Q&A with Pia Loyola On Business & Her Multifunctional Macabalm

Mar 07, 2022by
1. Tell us (in a nutshell!) why you created Macabalm?
When I was breastfeeding my boys, I struggled to find a product that was safe not just for me, but for the boys too. I was recommended quite a few products by friends and midwives but when I would look through the ingredients, I struggled to find a wholesome product without any nasties - without petroleum-derived ingredients or food dies for example. I really struggled to find a product that had ingredients I knew, was certified organic and could be used within the household for everyone.
I needed Macabalm for my family, for my life and for myself - so I went out and created a product that has fast become a staple in our household!

2. You’re a model and actress by trade - was it hard starting a business and brand from scratch?
I’m not surprised that I have my own business. I have always been creative and intrigued by how you bring a brand and product to market. It first started out as something that I was looking for and needed, and to have it within so many households now and to hear how families love and use it for all different reasons is just so rewarding and fills my heart with joy. Having said that - it was hard! Crazy hard! It took me 4 years to develop Macabalm into what it is today. There have been so many mistakes, but equally so many lessons and learning curves which has been the fun of it.

3. How important was being ’clean" and ’natural" to you when formulating Maca?
It really has been at the forefront of developing and creating Macabalm. Being Certified Organic, with minimal, recognisable ingredients, is one of my core pillars and something I could or would not compromise on. A lot of products cut corners because it’s too hard or because it would be easier to bring something to market in 6 months, but I was determined and conscious of creating a product that was completely circular, certified organic, sustainable, and cruelty-free. It has been an incredible feat but one that I am so proud of.

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4. Why macadamia? / How is Macabalm different to other balms on the market? i.e. PawPaw
When I began researching and developing ingredients to use within Macabalm, it was really important to me that it would be a 100% Australian owned and made product. I wanted the ingredients to be native to Australia and when I came across the Australian Macadamia, I didn’t understand why more companies weren’t using it within their products. It has naturally occurring Vitamin E which makes it incredibly healing, replenishing and restorative. It’s beautifully hydrating, locks in moisture and creates a natural barrier so your skin is always hydrated and supple. Oh, and did I mention it’s native to Australia. It is one of our hero ingredients for a reason. I absolutely love it.

In terms of how Macabalm is different to other balms on the market - one major thing to note for us is the ingredient list. Our ingredients are at the forefront of the brand, they are what anchor it and really set it apart. It’s the ingredients that make the brand. We have only used certified organic and native Australian ingredients which not many products can state. And in doing so, it is safe for the whole family. Whether that be mum, the 18-year-old teenager, the 5-year-old who scratches themselves every other day, or the precious new baby of the family - anyone and everyone can use it because the ingredients are so safe, clean and natural.

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5. We know it’s much more than a lip balm, how else do you use your Macabalm?
Oh, I love this question - I love sharing my little beauty hacks but I also love hearing how everyone else uses it. I love using it for chapped lips and to repair dry skin but I also use it to tame the brows, as a highlighter pressed into the cheekbones, on my cuticles, as a moisture mask when i travel or at night if my skin is feeling really dehydrated, and as a primer - its great on your eyelids before you apply eyeshadow, or across the cheekbones before you apply a powder/blush/bronzer etc. A lot of new and breastfeeding mums use it on sore nipples or on their baby for nappy rash for example. I created it to be a multifunctional balm for the whole family so everyone can use it.

6. What’s one piece of advice you’d give to another female wanting to start their own brand?
To back yourself and work hard. It has taken me a long 4 years to formulate and create a product I was happy with and loved. And I still have so much more to learn and develop. But you know what - I would do it all again. It’s been a hard yet incredible time and I am so proud of myself.

7. What’s next for you and Maca? New products?
At the moment I am really enjoying remaining slow and steady. There is so much pressure within the industry for new product development but after working so hard on our multifunctional balm, I am enjoying seeing where it is today and what it is doing for people and their families. I am so proud of where we are and what we have achieved. But I suppose the next big thing for Macabalm that I can share with you is our US launch.
We are so excited to be taking Macabalm to America.

Shop the range here

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