Jo Wood's Home Made Facial Scrub

Ex-wife of Rolling Stones rocker Ronnie Wood stays fabulous with a completely organic diet and an organic skincare routine. Here's her zingy recipe for a face and body scrub you can make straight from the kitchen cupboard. Enjoy!
Feb 17, 2020by Nourished Life
Ex-wife of Rolling Stones rocker Ronnie Wood stays fabulous with a completely organic diet and an organic skincare routine. Here's her zingy recipe for a home made face scrub you can make straight from the kitchen cupboard.

Suitable for all skin types, it smells totally yummy too.


2 tablespoons oatmeal
2 tablespoons ground almonds
2 tablespoons freshly grated lemon zest


Mix the ingredients in a bowl and add a little water, stirring to form a paste. Massage the scrub into your skin using circular movements, working towards your heart. Rinse off with tepid water.

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