How to Nourish Your Life in Less Than 1 Hour a Day!

In this blog, I take you through the small steps to take towards living a more Nourished Life!
Oct 20, 2020by
As we head right into Spring, many of us feel compelled to Spring-clean not just our homes, but our overall lifestyle! From the beauty products we indulge in, to our morning coffee, I want to take you through the small steps we can all take towards living a more Nourished Life.


PHOTO9_left After an all-too-short weekend, we drag ourselves out of bed, rub our tired eyes and make a desperate grab for the nearest caffeine hit. Instead of reaching for your usual coffee fix, why not swap out your morning brew for a Matcha Tea! Matcha Maiden Matcha Green Tea Powder has the same nutritional value as ten cups of regular green tea. Talk about efficient! Packed full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants it's just what we need to help us make the most of every day!


Let’s face it, we are all sometimes guilty of skipping breakfast! Whether it’s because we're rushing to get the kids off to school or we’ve pressed snooze one too many times, we can often miss the most important meal of the day. If you don’t have time to cook up a big breaky (and let’s face it, who does every morning!) why not whip up a quick smoothie. Just add a hand full of spinach leaves, some frozen chopped banana, coconut water and a heaped tablespoon of The Beauty Chef body powder into your blender, whizz up and take it with you in your insulated Swell bottle! I also love adding the Power Super Foods Cacao Power when I’m craving something a little chocolatey or swapping out the Body Powder for the Vital All-in-One Superfood Powder (formerly known as Vital Greens) when I really need an energy hit.

Alternatively I turn to the the Beauty Chef CLEANSE Powder when I’ve had a big weekend!


PHOTO10_right You’re half way there! Wednesday afternoon hits, and we often find ourselves reaching for a mid-afternoon snack for a burst of energy. Instead of reaching for a chocolate bar or the office biscuit jar why not opt for something from our great superfood snack range instead! A handful of Power Super Foods Cacao Nibs will not only satisfy your cravings, but won’t leave your energy levels feeling depleted before the day is over! While chocolate is packed full of sugar, cacao is sugar free. Rich in beta-carotene, Omega-3 EFA’s calcium, zinc, iron, copper, amino acids, potassium and stress relieving magnesium, cacao nibs are the perfect afternoon treat! If you are craving something a little sweeter, why not have a handful of the Power Super Foods Goji Berries! These little gems not only contain 21 essential minerals, but they also have super high levels of Vitamin C and Vitamin A!


It’s nearly the end of the week, you’ve made some healthy adjustments to your regular routine, but you’re exhausted. Perhaps it’s time for a pamper evening. You run a bath, add in a dash of magnesium salts and light a candle. Switching your mainstream bathroom products to organic alternatives means you won’t be exposing your skin to a hash chemicals and synthetic fragrances, plus you get all the health benefits of organic skin care like vitamins, minerals & antioxidants. I’m loving the Weleda Wild Rose Pampering Body for the ultimate post bath luxury.


PHOTO11_left You’ve made it through the week and are feeling healthier already- you’ve earned a night out! You reach for your makeup bag for a post-work touch up. If you haven’t already switched all your old mainstream beauty products to healthier, natural alternatives now is a great time! Many mainstream beauty products can contain harsh chemicals and fragrances, you can replace each one slowly with a new natural alternative, and pretty soon you will have completely overhauled your beauty routine! We have a huge selection of natural makeup to suit every skin type. I love to touch up my skin with Vapour’s Stratus Soft Focus Instant Skin Perfector which gives me an instant glow after a long day in the office, and a swipe of the 100% Pure Lipglaze in Watermelon, the perfect pinky-red shade.

So there you have it! How easy was that!?

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