Guide: How Magnesium Oil can boost your health

Magnesium has been a staple in my[health and wellness] routine for years and years now, and the easiest way to work magnesium into my day is through[magnesium oil]. Magnesium has so many health benefits, many of which I wasn’t fully aware of until I really started looking into it. Interested in working magnesium oil into your daily routine? I’ve put together this quick guide to the benefits of magnesium - how to use magnesium oil, where to spray it, and what it can do for you.
May 26, 2021by Nourished Life
What is Magnesium Oil?

Magnesium ions are found throughout the body and help to regulate over 300 biochemical reactions. These enzyme cofactors play a vital role in regulating blood pressure, monitoring muscle and nerve functions and synthesising proteins, as well as helping with energy production, mineral balance and building new cells. Magnesium oil is made from a combination of magnesium chloride flakes and water, making it easy for the body to absorb when applied topically to the skin. This combination of ingredients also means that magnesium oil isn’t technically an oil- it gets its name from its slightly oily consistency!

What is Magnesium Oil used for?

Because of magnesium’s ability to regulate blood pressure and monitor muscle and nerve functions, one of the most common uses of magnesium oil is to aid with muscle repair. Without enough magnesium our muscles can’t properly relax, so applying magnesium oil topically to any sore, tight and strained muscles can help to loosen them and ease that pain. It’s also great as a preventative measure, as it can be applied before exercise to help prevent injury. Magnesium has also been said to help to reduce stress, ease headaches and migraines and help you get a better night’s sleep.

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How to use Magnesium Oil?

To use magnesium oil, simply spray it onto any areas you wish to relieve tension- or, if you aren’t feeling particularly sore or tight, spray it onto any area of your body to simply increase your body’s natural magnesium levels. I find that two to three sprays per area is the perfect amount (and is recommended by most of the brands we stock at[Nourished Life]). Magnesium oil is perfect if you’re time poor or are on the go, but you can also apply magnesium topically with a magnesium cream. These take slightly longer to really sink into the skin and be absorbed by the body, but their thicker consistency makes them really great for anyone needing a little extra skin hydration, plus they often combine magnesium with a host of other skin-loving ingredients. The added ingredients can slightly dilute the magnesium, which makes magnesium creams a great alternative for those with skin sensitive to magnesium. You can also find pure magnesium flakes sold on their own at Nourished Life. These are perfect for those who really want to soak in the benefits of magnesium, literally- I love taking a bath with a cup or two of magnesium salt flakes dissolved into the water!

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Does Magnesium Oil have any side effects?

It’s essential to always follow the instructions on your chosen magnesium oil, as it is with any product, to ensure you aren’t delivering your body with too much magnesium. Some people may find that their skin is sensitive to magnesium, the side effects of which include tingling or stinging, so it’s important to do a patch test on a small area of skin before applying magnesium oil all over.

Shop our full range of natural, magnesium rich products online now.

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