FAQs on the Love Your Gut Powder

We have asked Lee Holmes from Supercharged Food your most common questions about her Love Your Gut Powder!
Oct 30, 2020by Nourished Life
Is this just diatomaceous earth?
Yes, 100% food-grade diatomaceous. Nothing added. There are many different grades of diatomaceous earth. It’s important to only take highest quality, food-grade diatomaceous earth like Supercharged Food’s. Diatomaceous earth is a food not a medication. Supercharged Food’s is the highest, food-grade, meeting the criteria of Food Standards Australia, New Zealand. When you compare it to salt there are all different grades, pool salt to Celtic Sea Salt. Think of it like that you want to use the highest most mineral rich grade for your body.

What minerals are in it?
100% food-grade diatomaceous. Nothing added. There’s many different grades of diatomaceous earth with different mineral make-ups. It’s important to only take highest quality, food-grade diatomaceous earth like Supercharged Food’s.
Silicon dioxide: 89%
Calcium .407%
Chromium: .000312%
Copper: .000505%
Iron: .25%
Potassium: .107%
Lithium: .00102%
Magnesium: .138%
Phosphorus: .00937
Silicon: .0342
Zinc: .000754

What does it actually do?
We blogged about the top 10 reasons to try the Love Your Gut Powder here

What about the good bacteria? Does it remove only the bad?
DE looks like a cylinder/honeycomb full of holes. This cylinder/honeycomb has a very strong negative charge. As the millions of cylinders move through the stomach and digestive tract, they attract and absorb bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses, endotoxins, pesticide, and drug residues, E-Coli, and heavy metals. These pathogens are trapped inside the cylinder and passed out of the body. Part of the reason is because the bad bacteria have a positive charge and the good generally have a negative or neutral charge as does Diatomaceous Earth (DE). So like iron filings to a magnet the bad ones get ripped out of the body through a strong negative charge of the DE. Interestingly enough, just about all the heavy metals too have a positive charge and this is how the DE strips away heavy metals too.

Has this been approved by the Food Standards Australia and New Zealand?
Yes, our diatomaceous earth is approved by Food Standards Australia and New Zealand. (They reassuringly have strict criteria so I can't say all diatomaceous earth products on the market also meet their standards).

Like salt there are many grades - Celtic sea salt to pool salt. It's the same with diatomaceous earth. Supercharged Food's diatomaceous earth is food-grade and approved for human consumption at the dosage indicated on the pack.

Naturopathic-grade comes from the many naturopaths who recommend Supercharged Food's diatomaceous earth. In my research for purest sources I worked with a number of Naturopaths to ensure the highest quality available.

Would it rid the body of parasites and heavy metals?
It will help rid these. It’s a gentle but effective cleanse. It’s not a quick-fix or a purge and it is not a laxative. See above for how the DE rids heavy metals.

Is this a gluten free product?
Yes it is gluten-free. Also vegan and non-GMO, non dairy and sugar-free. Diatomaceous earth is a food. Supercharged Food’s is the highest, food-grade, meeting the criteria of Food Standards Australia, New Zealand.

Can young kids take this? From what age and how much?
Yes. Diatomaceous earth is a food not a medication. Supercharged Food’s D-earth is the highest, food-grade, meeting the criteria of Food Standards Australia, New Zealand. We recommend smaller doses based on the size of the child. Children should start on 1⁄2 teaspoon per day. Please speak to your health care professional if you are worried.

Can it be used for deworming kids?
We’ve had a number of people respond with great success in deworming. Diatomaceous earth is a food not a medication and many parents prefer to use it instead of medication.

Is it ok to take when pregnant or breastfeeding?
Yes it is OK. Diatomaceous earth is a food not a medication. There’s many different grades of diatomaceous earth. It’s important to only take highest quality, food-grade diatomaceous earth like Supercharged Food’s. Like any new food or diet, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding it is always best to check with your health care professional.

Is there a link to the evidence based research to support the claims of what this product can achieve?
Not that we are aware of although there is plenty of information and testimonials. Many naturopaths recommend it and that’s where we came across it. Diatomaceous earth is only recently been marketed as a food product by itself (it has been used in food preparation for decades). It has also a long and researched history in animal health.

A friend of mine has diverticulitis and I was wondering if this would help him, to rid his body of the toxins and help his body heal? He also has MS and is on a lot of medication, would taking this powder affect the effectiveness of his medication?
It won’t affect the way the medication works. They should check with their health care professional before trying anything new. However, diatomaceous earth is a food not a medication. Supercharged’s is the highest, food-grade, meeting the criteria of Food Standards Australia, New Zealand.

Is it ok for people with Crohn's disease?
We’ve had a number of people with Crohn's who have had some success with alleviating the symptoms and have experienced improved bowel function and better energy levels. Diatomaceous earth is a food not a medication. Supercharged product is the highest, food-grade, meeting the criteria of Food Standards Australia, New Zealand.

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