Ep 34: Why I'm Plant-Based, Not Vegan

I was absolutely blown away when I recently went plant-based! So naturally, I was very excited to talk to today's guest Robyn Chuter ’ naturopath, health counsellor and recipient of ’Vegan Professional of the Year’ award. Robyn runs Empower Total Health, and her nutritional knowledge knows no bounds!
Apr 09, 2020by Irene Falcone
I know the word ’vegan’ is polarising, so I actually prefer the term ’plant-based’. In today’s episode, we tackle the trendiness of veganism, the detrimental effects of meat-eating and the paranoia many ’vegan-curious’ people have about iron and calcium deficiencies. Robyn also explains why we need vitamin B12 and how the vast majority of people with B12 deficiencies aren't actually eating a strictly plant-based diet! We talk about the rise of vegan food too, and how food manufacturers are capitalising on that buzzword ’ which means I might need to rethink all those ’vegan’ chocolate-covered ice creams I’ve just popped in the fridge at Nourished Life HQ!

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Key takeaways:

1. Robyn believes that most people don't need protein powders. She recommends that you spend your money on more fruits and vegetables so that you can get your protein from them instead.
2. On a calorie-for-calorie basis, humans get far more absorbable calcium from vegetables such as kale, bok choy or broccoli than from drinking milk.
3. Robyn states that most women notice that their period becomes lighter after going plant-based.
4. Hate veggies? Robyn maintains that you’ll be surprised at how your taste preferences change once you switch to a diet rich in various fruits and vegetables.
5. In just a few days of eating a plant-based diet, you can expect some significant shifts in your gut microbiome.

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Links and resources:

https://empowertotalhealth.com.au/[Empower Total Health]

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